Is there really any point in me saying anything? Other than, YOU PISS ME OFF YOU IGNORANT BASTARD.
I'm one of the lucky ones. Life on the whole has been and continues to be good to me. I get up every morning, happy. More often than not, with a smile on my face. I really do. But then some bastard goes and fucking ruins it. Well, here they are. Bastards, every last one of them.
Don't you challenge take your eyes off this morning.Compelling, I'm sure you'll agree. So now all they need do is pick few well-chosen words to close the deal. And these are the ones they picked:
When this St0ck moves... LOOK OUT!...
Stock sign: FCTOA.OB
Corporation name: FACT CORP
Present cost: 0.76
1 year cost increase: 500%
1 month price increase: 145%
5 day cost increase: 59%
This is perfect stock symbol to double or triple your saving. It is just a peace of cake for each investors.
Check the stock history on Nasdaq and you won't have any suspicions about that stock.
Apparently, whatever they are, they drive really safely! The horse was reported to have suffered a hoof injury yesterday. From Earth's vantage point, only Mercury and Venus transit the Sun, because these are the only planets inside Earth's orbit.Really gets you reaching for the phone to sell your google shares, doesn't it. Well, you know what, YOU ARE REALLY PISSING ME OFF, YOU BASTARDS